Girls take the lead in Plan International's #GirlsTakeover campaign
In honor of the International Day of the Girl, hundreds of girls all over the world step into the roles of leaders for a day to demand equal power, freedom and representation for girls and young women in Plan International's #GirlsTakeover event. The City of Tampere in Finland participated in the campaign on Tuesday 10 October, when 15-year-old Pauliina Mannerhovi stepped into the role of the Mayor of Tampere for a day.
‒ I hope that by following #GirlsTakeover, girls will see what opportunities they have and where they can end up in the future, says Mannerhovi.
This year's theme of #GirlsTakeover is equality in sport. According to Mayor Kummola, sports communities can set an example for others and break down gender role barriers.
‒ Sports affect almost all of us. That is why barriers to excercise must be removed, and we also have the will as a city to help meet the mobility recommendations for every age group, regardless of gender. Equal opportunities for physical activity can help children and young people to learn a lot, strengthen their self-confidence and social relationships, the Mayor says.
Mannerhovi also stresses the link between sport and self-esteem:
‒ For many girls, sport is an important hobby. The way they are seen an treated in the world of sports affects their self-esteem.
‒ I would like to see people become more open-minded and to remove unnecessary gender restrictions from society. I hope that by following #GirlsTakeover, girls will see what opportunities they have and where they can end up in the future, says Mannerhovi.
According to Mayor Kummola, it is essential to promote equality at all levels, from local to global. Creating an equal society is an important task for the future, and municipalities and cities have a wide range of means to promote it.
The city will also celebrate gender equality by hosting the International Gender Equality Prize celebration on 11 December.
‒ Finns have historically been pioneers in the field of equality. Leading the way in the future means making a difference and keeping the issue on the table. That is why Tampere is proud that the International Prize for Gender Equality will again be awarded here, says the Mayor.
Pictures: Laura Happo / City of Tampere